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Glenn Kong
3 min readMay 18, 2023


👤 Quick Facts 基本資訊

  • Name: Glenn Kong
  • Gender: Male
  • Nationality: Taiwanese
  • Age: 28
  • Current Work Status: GIS Master Student at the Univ. of Queensland
  • Education:
    Master of Geographic Information Science | UQ (Australia)
    Bachelor of Science (Resources Engineering) | NCKU (Taiwan)
  • Work Experience:
    Geospatial Analyst | GIS People | Brisbane, Australia | 2023–current
    GIS Specialist | Mapxus | Taipei, Taiwan | 2021–2023 (1 yr 8 mos)
    GIS Intern | Supergeo | Taipei, Taiwan | 2020 (5 mos)
  • 姓名:孔昭翰 Glenn Kong
  • 性別:男
  • 國籍:台灣
  • 年齡:28
  • 目前狀態:昆士蘭大學 地理資訊科學碩士生
  • 學歷:
    昆士蘭大學(澳洲)|地理資訊科學碩士 |預計2024年畢業
  • 經歷:
    GIS People|地理空間分析師|澳洲 布里斯本|2023–現在
    蜂圖誌科技|地理資訊系統專員|台灣 台北市|2021–2023(1年8個月)
    崧旭資訊|地理資訊系統實習生|台灣 台北市|2020(5個月)

🤝 About Me 關於我

Hi! I’m Glenn, from Taiwan, and I’m 28 years old. I work in the geospatial industry.

I graduated from the Department of Resources Engineering at National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. In 2020, I had the opportunity to work as a GIS intern at Supergeo, the company which developed SuperGIS. Subsequently, I joined Mapxus, an indoor mapping company from Hong Kong, as a GIS Specialist, and I worked there for approximately 1 year and 8 months. Currently, I am pursuing a Master’s degree in GIS at the University of Queensland in Australia. I anticipate graduating with a Master’s degree in GIS in June 2024. Additionally, I run a self-media platform related to geospatial information called “G for Geospatial — 台灣空間資訊站”. Feel free to check it out if you’re into geospatial topics.

Apart from work and research, my main interests include language learning and sports. In addition to Chinese (Mandarin) and English, I have been studying Japanese for a while now. I started learning Spanish two years ago, and recently, due to work, I have begun studying Cantonese. In terms of sports, I mainly focus on long-distance running and have already completed three half marathons and two marathons.

In this Medium space, I am delighted to share content related to the fields I am passionate about, especially in relation to GIS. My articles will cover various topics, including information organization, trend sharing, technical explanations, and personal perspectives. I hope to provide valuable content to readers through this platform and establish meaningful connections for mutual growth.

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to contact me at any time! You can find me on Medium or LinkedIn.

For more Geospatial content, follow G for Geospatial — 台灣空間資訊站.

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我畢業於國立成功大學資源工程學系。2020年全球疫情爆發後,我有幸在SuperGIS的研發商「崧旭資訊」擔任了約半年的GIS實習生。隨後,我進入來自香港的室內地圖公司「Mapxus」,擔任GIS Specialist,並在該公司工作了約1年8個月。目前,我正在澳洲昆士蘭大學攻讀GIS研究所,預計於2024年6月取得GIS碩士學位。另外,我也經營一個與地理空間資訊相關的自媒體,名為「G for Geospatial — 台灣空間資訊站」,對這個領域有興趣的朋友不妨來看看!



感謝你撥冗閱讀。若你有任何問題或想法,你可以在 Medium 或是 LinkedIn 找到我,歡迎隨時與我聯絡!

也歡迎在各個平台追蹤 G for Geospatial — 台灣空間資訊站

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Glenn Kong
Glenn Kong

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